

Want to explore leading edge technologies in the bio/medical field, where tech and life meet? The 生物材料工程 program at 在线赌博 creates engineers as leaders, addressing complex issues that arise from the interface between non-living materials and biological systems and their place in modern medicine. 作为一名生物材料工程师进入劳动力市场, or further your educational and career in healthcare professions by advancing to graduate, 医学院或法学院.








  • 生物学基础
  • 生物化学与细胞生物学
  • 生物学杂志:免疫学
  • CEMS 214材料的结构和性能
  • CEMS 215显微和微观结构表征
  • CEMS 216材料的粘合和结构
  • 材料热力学
  • CEMS 251材料力学
  • CEMS 334聚合物简介
  • 物理冶金学
  • CEMS 347光谱
  • CEMS 349 x射线表征
  • CEMS 368生物工程导论
  • 生物相容性
  • CEMS 466骨组织(或BIOL 307解剖学和生理学)
  • CEMS 468生物医学材料
  • 化学105普通化学1
  • 化学106普通化学2
  • 基本有机化学
  • 工程学入门
  • 计算机辅助设计
  • 计算机辅助工程
  • 技术通讯
  • ENGR 11x探索实验室(选择2个,每个1学分)
  • 工程统计学(或BIOL 226)
  • 工程经济学
  • 工程设计
  • engr480高级顶点项目
  • 数学151微积分I
  • 数学152微积分II
  • 数学253微积分III
  • 数学271微分方程
  • 物理学ⅰ
  • 生物学的选修课
  • 技术的选修课
  • 人文、社会科学和艺术选修课

有关更多信息,请查看工程学院 按学期划分的课程 按学位项目划分.

生物材料工程 is available as a double major to any 稻盛工学院 undergraduate. Students earning a double major in 生物材料工程 will complete all required courses for 生物材料工程 along with courses required for their primary 工程 major.


School of 工程 minors are available to all students pursuing an undergraduate degree at 在线赌博, 但它们通常是为工程专业的学生准备的, 数学, 以及物理科学. 学生必须满足指定课程的先决条件. 辅修课程的平均成绩必须达到“C”或以上. Some minors have restrictions which prevent them from being taken by certain engineering minors, i.e. the Materials Science minor is not available to students majoring in 生物材料工程, 陶瓷工程或玻璃工程专业.


  • 生物化学与细胞生物学
  • CEMS 214材料结构与性能
  • CEMS 368生物工程导论
  • CEMS 468生物医学材料(或CEMS 465生物相容性)
  • 基本有机化学(或化学315)


  • 一般微生物学
  • 解剖学和生理学:神经、肌肉和骨骼
  • 解剖学与生理学:脏器
  • 比较脊椎动物解剖学
  • 动物生理学,376
  • 生物学杂志:免疫学
  • 生物化学:蛋白质和代谢
  • 生物化学:核酸
  • CEMS 466骨组织

If you have varied interests in engineering but are unsure which you excel at or enjoy working with the most, 考虑探索我们的未定工程途径. The 稻盛工学院 provides this option to students who are undecided as first-year students and allows them to discover the field of engineering that's the best fit for them.

主要 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Biomat. 英格./生物医学垫. 英格. 24 25 32 30 31 33 34
陶瓷工程 35 39 44 61 68 68 63
电气工程 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
玻璃工程科学 11 11 19 23 24 15 15
材料科学与工程 19 31 38 36 48 48 48
机械工程 119 145 167 194 168 182 185
可再生能源工程 19 27 40 44 29 30 44
决定工程 18 17 34 22 26 26 37
与学位 0   0 0 2 4 4
无法匹敌的员工 245 295 374 410 394 402 426
B.S. 毕业生(8月至5月)
主要 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Biomat. 英格./生物医学垫. 英格. 3 4 12 7 4 8 7
陶瓷工程 8 15 8 21 16 12 19
电气工程 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
玻璃工程科学 2 2 7 3 3 0 4
材料科学与工程 7 15 8 9 16 7 10
机械工程 28 58 35 53 36 51 37
可再生能源工程 13 11 14 6 10 10 12
总度 61 105 84 99 85 88 89



  • 生物环境工程师-美国空军
  • 外科技师-奥尔巴尼医疗中心
  • 实验室技术员-史崔克
  • 业务支持专家- Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

生物材料工程 majors study the interaction between non-living materials and biological systems. Our graduates will develop next generation biomaterials devices for applications 如:

  • New diagnostic instruments (including bimolecular materials hybrid devices such as gene chips).
  • Novel therapeutic strategies such as tissue engineering and implants for biosensors and targeted/controlled drug delivery systems
  • 用于骨科器械等经典应用的新型生物材料.


Program educational objectives (or PEOs) are broad statements that describe what we expect graduates of AU's biomaterials engineering program to attain 3-5 years after graduation. PEOs are reviewed and revised regularly to ensure that the program educational objectives are relevant to the needs of today's employers.


  1. 研究生s will be qualified for careers in the medical device industry alongside related, 和一般, 材料领域. 研究生s will occupy positions with high technical skill requirements and managerial responsibility.
  2. 研究生s will be prepared to continue their educational endeavors in both technical and non-technical fields including graduate studies in Biomedical 工程, 组织工程, 医疗设备, general materials and other 科学 and engineering majors; MBA programs, 医学院和兽医学院, law school or short course/workshops applicable to growth within a chosen technical field.
  3. 研究生s will be prepared to lead in the development of their professions including society activities, 学术出版物,学生招募和指导.



  1. 识别能力, 制定, 运用工程原理解决复杂的工程问题, 科学, 和数学.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.
  3.  与广泛的受众进行有效沟通的能力.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, 哪一个必须考虑工程解决方案在全球的影响, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, 创造一个协作和包容的环境, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标.
  6. 发展和进行适当实验的能力, 分析和解释数据, 并运用工程判断得出结论.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

在全国范围内, about a third of biomedical materials undergraduates go straight on to the 工作 market, 三分之一进入研究生院(法律), 业务, 等.),第三个去医学院.




"This is the message I hope my students take to heart… Find your passion: find the thing, 工作, 活动, 或者是你喜欢的事业,你做得很好,努力去实现它."



Students entering the 生物材料工程 program often double major or minor in other closely related fields, 如:
