Explore the world of ceramics in our highly regarded Bachelor of Fine 艺术 degree with studies in ceramic art. Here you'll work with world-renowned instructors, true experts in their field, utilizing the latest technologies, 最好的材料, and cutting-edge work spaces.


A top-ranking ceramics program seated in the fine arts

Explore the world of ceramics in our highly regarded Bachelor of Fine 艺术 degree with studies in ceramic art. Here you'll work with world-renowned instructors, true experts in their field, utilizing the latest technologies, 最好的材料, and cutting-edge work spaces.






In the 陶瓷艺术 area of study of the BFA program, courses in raw materials and kiln building hold particular interest. The raw materials course introduces you to the origins and properties of clay and glaze materials. The kiln-building course focuses on building a working kiln. 课程 are also offered in the technology of 3D digital printing and fabrication in the new 3D 数字化制造实验室 collaboratively developed between the 艺术与设计学院 and the Inamori School of Engineering.

Foundations is our first-year experience for the BFA program and is designed to prepare you for continued study in the upper levels of the curriculum. Foundations explores concepts and builds skills that can be applied to contemporary art practice in any field. The program assists you in realizing your capacity to collaborate, 分享想法, and develop your own critical voice.


During your sophomore year, you're introduced to clay making, 釉料配方, 扔, 手工打造, 注浆成型法, 窑加载, 和解雇.


作为一名大三学生, you'll strengthen technical and conceptual skills by selecting from diverse offerings ranging from utilitarian pottery to sculpture and the making of ceramic tile.


大四的时候, you will work one-on-one with a faculty advisor within your own assigned personal studio space to develop a major body of work. Your work will be shown in a 论文展览.

The 陶瓷艺术 focus offers you extensive indoor and outdoor kiln facilities, backed by the expertise of an artist-master technician, supporting both faculty and students. There is access to large, separate studio areas for 扔, 手工打造 and plaster mold work, as well as a completely stocked undergraduate glaze room and labs for clay and 釉料配方. 除了, our program features a comprehensive material supply facility managed by a ceramic artist-technician.

The new 3D 数字化制造实验室, collaboratively developed between the 艺术与设计学院 and the Inamori School of Engineering, offers cutting-edge exploration of new technologies in ceramics.


  • 激光切割机
  • Rapid Prototype/ 3D Printer
  • 3D数码扫描仪
  • 三维铣床


  • 7 Gas Fired Front Loading Kilns
  • 4 Gas Fired Shuttle Car Kilns
  • 1 .气体试验窑
  • 12 Electric Fired Front Loading Kilns
  • 4 Electric Fired Top Loading Kilns
  • 1克拉克叉车
  • 8个电试窑


  • 6 Gas Fired Salt/Soda Kilns
  • 1 Raku窑
  • 1 Two-Chamber Wood/Soda Kiln
  • 1单室木窑


  • Raw Materials 研究 实验室
  • Ball Mills Stationary Mixers
  • 数字尺度
  • 釉料应用区域
  • 喷雾展位


  • 石膏的房间
  • 模具干燥机
  • 粘土烘干机
  • 3 .气动挤出机
  • 3板坯辊
  • 砖了
  • 个别车轮
  • 单品推车


  • 3焊锡混合器
  • 1 Muller Vertical Shaft Mixer
  • 1盘式破碎机
  • 1台粘土研磨机
  • 喷砂器
  • Tool and Safety Equipment Store

Rhodes Room, New Deal, Flex Space and Island GetawayCritique, Review, and 安装 Spaces

Clean, flexible spaces used for:

  • 安装
  • 评论
  • 文档
  • 图片浏览
  • 研讨会
  • 特殊的示威游行
All 本科 项目